Maize variety
The “variety” section dedicated to field trials is a fundamental support for a scrupulous choice of barley, triticale, soft and durum wheat, and blends.
Different varieties bring different performances; therefore, it is important and essential that the information obtained by yield tests is able to give results useful for choosing the varieties that adapt best to the sowing areas.
Campo Demo presents itself as the connection between farmers and seed production companies; to the latter this initiative offers several possibilities for experimentation:
An exhibition space called Showcase Field to welcome interested farmers, technicians and retailers, describing as well as possible the genetic potential of the presented materials.
An area dedicated to parcel plot trials for comparing varieties related to the cultivation of soft wheat, barley and tritical for the production of wheat.
A space for forage crops in pure stands, in a mixed pasture system or the production of biogas/biomethane.
Maize herbicides
Maize herbicides
The Maize herbicides Campo Demo, organized in collaboration with Cooperative Riunite Agricole Bresciane and the Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences of the University of Turin, has the aim of evaluating different herbicide mixtures applied at three different times (pre-emergent, early post-emergence and late post-emergence). In addition, in testing the mixtures there is the desire to reduce the presence of certain active ingredients whose use has been limited. During the event, participating agricultural products companies will present some of their innovative weed control solutions.
This year as well Campo Demo will be replicated in Piedmont in Podere Pignatelli. Here, another herbicides trial will be added in the experimentation in the post-emergence phase after a false sowing, in order to reduce the pressure of infestants before sowing.
Maize herbicides
The theme of this year’s edition will be the evaluation of molecules or strategies that could substitute the use of sulphonylureas in the management of weeds for maize.
The widespread use of these molecules has in fact increased the number or weeds that are resistant to them.
Maize herbicides
Control strategies of Sorghum halepense, with evaluation of herbicidal mixtures following the new mitigation regulations (DGR 1376, March 2019).
Maize herbicides
Weeding: treatments without Terbuthylazine
Weeding: addition of coadjuvants in treatments
Maize herbicides
Weeding: focus on Cyperus esculentus
Maize herbicides
In cooperation with the Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences of UNITO, the 2016 edition presented several subjects:
. • comparison between weeding treatments for
controlling Cyperaceae in maize fields
a rising problem in crop
systems in
Northern Italy;
• innovative weeding solutions as
an alternative to
terbuthylazine use in accordance with
recent regulations on
the sustainable use of PPPs;
• recommendations on the correct
distribution of herbicides and
the adequate choice of spraying
equipment in accordance with regulations
in effect and the environment.
Maize herbicides
All the experimentation is based on the use of the various currently available tools in the fight against infesting weeds, in accordance with the recent regulations on the sustainable use of PPPs, especially regarding recommendations in the National Action Plan and the guidelines for its application in Lombardy. The objective of this effort was therefore not to test the herbicidal effectiveness of each active ingredient, but rather to guide farm operators with regards to the different weeding models available, in accordance with the current legislation.
Maize herbicides
The visit day, organized in collaboration with the DISAFA of the University of Turin, aimed at showing the use of “weeding treatments” with the following programs to fight infesting weeds: pre and post-early emergence, pre and post-emergence and post-late emergence.
The objective of this effort was not to test the herbicidal effectiveness of each active ingredient, but rather to guide farm operators with regards to the different weeding models available, characterized by the use of diversified tools in the fight against infesting weeds, in accordance with the guidelines in the National Action Plan.