Soybean herbicides
In collaboration with the Sustainable weed management group of
DISAFA department (University of Turin) a trial comparing different soybean weed control lines was conducted.
Photo and report by Prof. Francesco Vidotto, Marco Milan, Silvia Fogliatto and Giulia Papandrea.
Soybean biostimulants
After the interesting results obtained during the previous edition (see more in the poster presented at the 4th Biostimulant World Congress), the use of biostimulants mixed with herbicides in order to reduce their phytotoxicity will be proposed again.
Soybean herbicides
Control strategies of Sorghum halepense, adding biostimulants in herbicide mixtures with a single time of application.
Soybean biostimulants
Use of “specific action products” (DL 75 / April 2010, Attachment 6), fertilizers and biostimulants in herbicidal mixtures.
Soybean herbicides
Soybean herbicides
Weeding: treatments without Terbuthylazine
Weeding: addition of coadjuvants in treatments
Soybean herbicides
In cooperation with the Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences of UNITO, the 2016 edition presented several subjects for maize and soybean: • comparison between weeding treatments for controlling Cyperaceae, a rising problem in crop systems in Northern Italy; • innovative weeding solutions as an alternative to terbuthylazine use in accordance with recent regulations on the sustainable use of PPPs; • recommendations on the correct distribution of herbicides and the adequate choice of spraying equipment in accordance with regulations in effect and the environment.
Soybean herbicides
Visit to the demonstrative experimentation trials comparing weeding treatments for soy. The experimentation is based on the use of the various currently available tools in the fight against infesting weeds.